The Psalms

Prayer Book of the Bible


Dietrich Bonhoeffer

ISBN: 978-0-7283-0092-7

LENGTH: 25 pages

Fairacres Publications 81

1982 7/2013

The Psalms, the prayer of the Church of which Jesus Christ is Head, express our relationship with God. Sound teaching from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, still relevant today.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer presents the Psalms as the prayer of the Church of which Jesus Christ is Head, having their place alongside the ‘Our Father’, the prayer which Jesus taught. Bonhoeffer considers who it is who prays in the Psalms, as well as various themes to be found within them, such as creation and the history of salvation, life and suffering. The Psalms provide words with which we can address God and in which we can hear God speaking to us.

Additional information




25 pages


Dietrich Bonhoeffer



Book Size

140 x 210 mm


Prayer Book of the Bible


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Author Bio

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-45), a German Lutheran pastor and theologian, was a participant in the German Resistance movement against National Socialism. His involvement in plans by members of the German Military Intelligence Office to assassinate Adolf Hitler led to his arrest in April 1943 and execution, just weeks before the end of the Second World War, in April 1945.

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